Tuesday | 10:30AM

winter 2025

Please join us as we journey together through the book of Proverbs. Bring your Bibles, ladies. We will study in various translations and enjoy verse mapping together.

In addition to our study, we will enjoy a time of fellowship and prayer, as well as a variety of hikes, picnics, and other activities.

The Tuesday Women’s Bible Study is on break for two weeks. We welcome you to join us on Tuesday, March 25th, in the Sanctuary.

Contact Lily Skelton for more information.

Wednesday | 7PM

winter 2025

Please join us as we explore the Hebrew names of God and reflect on how each of God’s names shows us His character.

Together, we will discover what each name means, where to find it in the Bible, and how to be intentional in our practical application of each name to our lives.

To participate in this study, you can purchase the book, The Names of God: 52 Bible Studies for Individuals and Groups, by Ann Spangler. Cost: $8.49, on sale now at Amazon.

If you need assistance purchasing the book or have other questions, please reach out to Kim Marsden.

Learn how each of God’s names reveals a wonderful aspect of His nature that can meet your deepest needs, comfort you in times of personal difficulty, and fill you with genuine gratitude and praise!

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, 7-8:30pm, in Room 204.