Calvary Chapel Family ~

Further Up and Further In is an opportunity to immerse ourselves in God’s Word as we prepare our hearts and minds for the week’s message.

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Matthew 24:1-22 | Signs of the Times

  1. Jesus refers to the signs pointing to His near return as “the beginning of birth pangs” (verse 8). Make a list of the signs listed here to determine if they have increased in frequency and intensity in your lifetime. How then should we live according to 1 Peter 4:7 and 1 Peter 1:13

  2. Even in light of hopeful Executive Orders by the President of the United States, the Judge of All the Earth has told us things will get much worse before Christ comes again. Perhaps the most devastating impact will surround the love of many waxing cold (verse 12). Then comes a great tribulation such as the world has never known (verse 21). What confidence do believers have we won’t endure such wrath? John 3:36; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

  3. Pause each morning this week, acknowledging the nearness of Christ’s return. Enjoy His presence, then ask Him to help you make each moment count as you bear witness of His redeeming love to a lost and dying world!

This week, as you walk with the Lord, reflect on this: Are you ready to speak the truth in love, even when it’s unpopular or challenging? Seek opportunities to share the truth of Jesus with those around you, allowing His light to shine through your words and actions.

See you Sunday!
Pastor Robert

WE ENCOURAGE EVERYONE to download the free YouVersion Bible App and begin each day with the Verse of the Day. Use online concordance, e.g., blueletterbible.org, preceptaustin.org, logos.com, etc. to look up keywords, review context, and conduct cross studies.