How to live a successful Christian life that is pleasing to God

The purpose of the Men’s Ministry is to help men build intimate personal relationships with God through Christ, and with each other through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship.

Participants in the Men’s Ministry meet regularly for prayer on Saturday mornings. In addition, the Men’s Ministry hosts a variety of activities and events throughout the year. Watch for announcements in the weekly Calvary Happenings and the Sunday Bulletin for more information regarding these fellowship opportunities.

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Men’s Discipleship

Men Discipling Men meets in person every Wednesday at 7pm in Room 205, or you can participate via Zoom.

Join us this Wednesday, as we go deep into the book of Zechariah and the certain hope of God's Kingdom to come. See how God gives hope to His people by revealing His plan of deliverance through the Messiah.

We will enjoy a time of prayer, fellowship, and immersive study in the Word. Register, or drop in on Wednesdays at 7pm.

Mentoring Program

We welcome you to take part in our mentoring program by signing up to be a mentor or a mentee and discussing various topics with one another.

Contact Tom Hoag for information about Men’s Ministry, or to register for upcoming events.

Zoom Meeting Details

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 244 003 1886
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Meeting ID: 244 003 1886
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Saturday Men’s Prayer

For those desiring to gather with other men
around God’s Word and Prayer

Download and activate the free Zoom App on your smart phone or computer.
Join us every Saturday at 8:30am PDT for Men’s Prayer Group!

Please have your Bible with you!