Calvary Chapel Leipzig: Kurt & Tiffany Ibbotson
We moved to Germany to be missionaries in 1998. In 2000, we began having services at Calvary Chapel Leipzig, Germany.
Kurt’s main ministry at Calvary Chapel Leipzig is being the senior pastor. This entails teaching at least twice a week, teaching at the school of discipleship, serving as an elder, counseling, visitation, outreach, Bible study, and prayer. Outside of church activities Kurt spends one day a week helping out at a refugee camp, and is very much involved at the elementary school his kids attend.
Tiffany’s main ministry is being a wife and mother. She leads the women's ministry, helps out in the children’s ministry, provides counseling, and reaches out to the needy and broken women in church.
Simon is outgoing and enjoys leading worship in the church. He also helps out with the children’s ministry, as well as with the refugees.
Andrew is quiet and shy but enjoys helping out each Sunday with the sound.
Lillia loves children. She helps with the children’s ministry, and she loves to watch the kids after church so their parents can enjoy fellowship, together.
James is very outgoing and effective in reaching out to the kids at the refugee camp. He loves going around the church to encourage people and help them feel special in God’s creation.
“As we continue our work for His kingdom, we pray Calvary Chapel Leipzig would remain stable amidst all fear, worry, and change. We pray we would have an open door to share the Gospel and see the people of Leipzig saved, and we ask that our family would grow stronger, together and in the Lord, for His glory!
We are grateful for your love and support. ”